
My movie review of ‘Cloverfield’ (2008)….

I’ll admit that going in I was a little hesitant about this movie – primarily because of the camera shots. I’ve never been a big fan of shaky camera angles or movies which pretend to be the just discovered footage from a “lost” camcorder. But I liked what I read about the premise of the movie – which in fact reminds me a lot of my manuscript ‘Eleven Till Midnight’.

Just as a bunch of college friends are giving one of their own a send off, a giant creature of unknown origin and indescribable shape begins to terrorize New York City. As everyone flees, the main character Rob Hawkins, played by Michael Stahl-David, realizes that the love of his life, Beth played by Odette Yustman, is right in the heart of danger. She’s held up in her dad’s penthouse that overlooks Central Park. The stage is set. The rest of the movie centers on a daring rescue attempt by Rob and some of his closest friends. Along the way, we get to see more of the creature as the characters succumb to somewhat ambiguous demises. In the end, if only for a brief period, Rob reunites with Beth and they both have the chance to say what needs to be said.

I think that most people who see this movie will be divided in their appreciation for what isn’t said, or told in this movie. If you like to be spoon-fed then this movie will likely be disappointing. But if you can appreciate the uncertainty of not knowing everything – then you’ll like this flick. You never know where the creature came from. You never know if this is the only creature of if the entire world is under attack. You never know what happens when someone gets bitten. There’s a lot you’ll never know, but as I told my wife after it was over – that’s the way it will be when the world ends. You won’t know everything. The acting was good. After a slow start, the pace picked up and kept moving. The special effects were pretty darn good. But keep in mind – it is a short movie clocking in at just over 85 minutes

For those who like to know everything, I’d give this movie a 2.75 on my scale of 1-5. For those who can appreciate the uncertainty that comes with death and the end, I’d give ‘Cloverfield’ a 3.5 and a “must rent” recommendation.

Click on the image below to order 'Cloverfield' from Amazon.com:

Until next time, keep those you love safe behind you and those you fear safely in front of you.

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April 2008
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